Moore City Residents in Oklahoma Seek Legalization of Keeping Chickens in Backyards

chickens, roosters in backyardsMoore City residents seek approval from the City Council of their plans to raise chickens in their backyard, but cannot expect the council to immediately grant approval. Actually, sometime in 2022, the Moore City council had shot down a proposed ordinance to legalize backyard chickens in Moore homes for several reasons.

OK State veterinarian Dr. Rod Hall of the Department of Agriculture, Food and Forestry warned that 11 Oklahomans who lived in homes with backyard chickens, became ill as a result of salmonella infection.

Inasmuch as the chickens kept by residents within the grounds of their respective residence do not undergo testing, Dr. Hall warned that it’s worrisome because there is no assurance that the chickens are not salmonella infected. There is great potential therefore that raising and keeping fowls in backyards can cause salmonella outbreaks.

Dr. Hall cites the report of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which stated that keeping chickens in backyards is primarily responsible for causing a nationwide spread of salmonella infections. The CDC report reveals that every year, approximately 1.35 million salmonella bacterial infections occur, which resulted in more than 26,500 hospitalizations and around 420 deaths.

Moore City Council Will Still Look Into the Matter

child holding a chickAlthough the proposal to keep chickens in the backyard was rejected before, Moore City Council members say they are currently looking into what the cities of Oklahoma and Norman require as conditions for permitting residents to raise and keep chickens in their backyard.

As veterinarian of the OK State, Dr. Hall also echoed the CDC’s recommendation for those with backyard chickens to often wash their hands. He also emphasized the need for adult residents to keep an eye on their children, particularly the young ones who love to handle and kiss chicks and then go grab a snack without washing their hands.

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